We get it, requesting a parking permit can be a confusing, but we hope to make the upcoming registration process a bit easier. Here are some helpful tips to ensure you have the best chance of getting your preferred parking spot for the 2024-2025 academic year.

When can I register for my Fall 2024 parking permit?

Parking permits are available to request starting April 22, 2024. In order to sign up, you will need to log into your account here.

While you are able to choose only one option if you wish, for the BEST CHANCE of receiving a parking permit, select 5 lot options in order of preference by June 21, 2024.

In order to make informed choices, before you fill out your registration form, think about where you fall within the Priority System in relation to where you would like to park. Additional registration information can be found here.

Do I need to request a permit if I'm a student?

Yes! All students who want to park on campus during the 2024-2025 academic year must request a permit.

Do I need to request a permit if I'm faculty / staff?

For faculty and staff with current parking permits, the option to automatically renew your standard vehicle permit is available again this year. If you are happy in your current lot, your standard vehicle permit will be automatically renewed, and your payroll deductions will continue during the 2024-2025 academic year. Please note that ATP, motorcycle, and scooter permits need to be renewed annually.

If you do not wish to change your permit assignment, no action is needed on your part. You only need to apply for a standard vehicle permit if you are requesting a new lot assignment. 

What’s my best chance of getting the Parking Permit location I want?

Make wise decisions based on your standing within the priority system of the lots you are hoping to get into, and make sure you choose all 5 selections to ensure that you have the best chance of getting a parking spot.

Here are a few common examples:

1.) If you will be a first year living in campus housing, you are considered an Undergraduate Resident. This group receives higher priority in Housing lots than almost any other group. In order to ensure the best chance for a parking location you desire, choose Housing locations near where you are living. Do not choose Admin / Faculty lots where you are last on the list in terms of priority.

2.) If you will be a upper-level student living off-campus, you have a higher priority in the Staff / Graduate Assistant lots on the edges of campus. While it is entirely possible that you could receive a permit in a location that is not in this category, you will want to choose one of these lots to most ensure that you have a place to park on campus. If you only choose lots that you are at the bottom of the priority list for, it is less likely that you will receive a parking spot.

3.) If you are a Faculty / Staff member that only chooses Housing lots, chances are very slim that you will receive a permit for those spaces, as you are last on the list in terms of priority and every other user category must fill the lot to capacity in order for you to receive your preferred lot. This type of choice leads to not receiving a parking permit at all. You should focus on Staff lots, where you have the highest priority.

When will I find out my assigned parking permit location?

Assignments will be issued in July 2024 and an announcement will be sent out via email. To ensure you receive a parking permit and a designated space to park on campus, we recommend that you accept the first assignment, even if that assignment is not your first choice.

What happens if I didn't get my top choice?

If your first assignment is not your top choice, you will automatically be placed on the waitlist for your top two choices. If you do not choose to accept the first assignment, you will remain on the waitlist with no parking spot in the meantime.

The system will shuffle through the changes in parking permits each Friday. When people switch locations or cancel permits, it can create a domino effect throughout the system. If a spot becomes available in one of the locations on your waitlist, you will receive an email asking if you wish to change your parking location and to notify you if there will be a change in price for the new location. This may happen before school starts, but it extends throughout the year.

We recommend accepting that first location to ensure that you have a place to park on the first day of school. If you later decide you don’t want this location, and you have not received one of the locations on your waitlist, you will be able to get a full refund for that parking location through TBA.

You may notice that your waiting list position will rise and fall while you are on the list. This is because the waiting list is updated in real time based on your user status. If you begin at spot 15 but are now spot 45, this is because people have registered for that location with a higher position and/or time served on campus.

What happens if I do not receive a parking permit?

If you do not receive a parking permit, you will automatically be placed on the waiting list for your top two choices.

The system will shuffle through the changes in parking permits each Friday. When people switch locations or cancel permits, it can create a domino effect throughout the system. If a spot becomes available in one of the locations on your waitlist, you will receive an email asking if you wish to change your parking location and to notify you if there will be a change in price for the new location. This may happen before school starts, but it extends throughout the year.

You may notice that your waiting list position will rise and fall while you are on the list. This is because the waiting list is updated in real time based on your user status. If you begin at spot 15 but are now spot 45, this is because people have registered for that location with a higher position and/or time served on campus.

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